iPod touch - Viewing your calendars

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Viewing your calendars

You can view calendars individually or as a combined calendar, making it easy to manage work
and family calendars at the same time.

Add an event.

Days with dots have

scheduled events.

Go to today.

Switch views.

Respond to a

calendar invitation.

Events for the

selected day

Change views: Tap List, Day, or Month. To view the week, rotate iPod touch sideways.

In day view, swipe left or right to move between dates.


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View the Birthdays calendar

Tap Calendars, then tap Birthdays to include birthdays from your Contacts
with your events.

See the details of an event

Tap the event. You can tap information about the event to get more details.
If an address for the location is specified, for example, tap it to open Maps.

Edit or delete a calendar

Tap Calendars, then tap Edit.

Select calendars to view

Tap Calendars, then tap to select the calendars you want to view. The
events for all selected calendars appear in a single calendar on iPod touch.